Monday, January 30, 2012


A few up close and personal photos of Jackson.

Hanging out with our Neighbor Boy

Our neighbor boy's daycare was closed for a few days so he came to play with Nora and Jackson.  He and Jackson and Nora wrestled and had so much fun.

Nora is 3 weeks older than 'W'

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eating Big Boy Food

Jackson is now eating big boy table food.  Although he really would just like to drink milk all day.  He has been challenging as Nora would eat everything and anything you put in front of her.  Jackson is not like this, he is very picky and right now only likes puffs and maple syrup sticks. 

My little Artists

Nana and Papa Forslund got Nora an easel for Christmas, and now that Jackson can stand they fight over easel space.  They both love coloring and using markers and chalk. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crazy Hair

This is Nora, she loves putting her hairbows in her hair and her hair gets CRAZY!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Random Photos

Here are just some fun photos of the kids from recent fun around our house.  Nora is loving playing in the water with these plastic blocks.  Jackson is crawling all over the house and loves following his sister. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crawling up the stairs....big boy!

We have a mover and a shaker in the house.  Jackson is on the move.  He can now crawl up the stairs no problem and it is normally when Nora is encouraging him to follow her.  He is such a big boy now....where did my baby go?

Jackson LOVES crawling up the stairs and going into the bathroom...don't understand that fixation!!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Jackson and Nora, they never actually sit still so I can take a photo of them both.  This is the best photo of them even though Jackson has his nuk in his mouth and Nora isn't smiling.  Love these kids-they love each other too.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Brushing My Teeth

Nora loves brushing her teeth.  We have to hide her toothbrush so she doesn't walk around the house brushing (or chewing) on her toothbrush.  Uncle Brandon would be so proud!!  She is getting to be such a big girl.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

8 Months Old

Jackson is 8 months old.  Wow, where has the time gone.  He is still not sleeping and getting up alot.  He is spitting up a bunch.  He loves his sister and is always on the move.

Jackson Standing

Jackson is standing now.  He is pretty proud of himself!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

laneys baptism

Me, Brandon, Ashley & Jenn
My cousin Ashley is moving back to Florida so she wanted to get her daughter, Laney, baptized before she left.  She works at the VFW, so the crew went into town to have drinks and visit with her. 
Matt, Ashley and Courtney with pickled eggs or something NASTY they sell at the bar.

Laneys Baptism - Nora, Laney & Landrey.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Book Group Picnic - Indoors!

We had a picnic indoors with out book group.  We had such a fun time getting all the kids together.  Our book group leaders' little girl 'M' LOVES Jackson so it is fun to see her entertain him.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I saw a recipe somewhere on how to make your own fingerpaint.  Here is my attempt with Nora.  She loved it. 

mom, my hands are dirty!

really really dirty.