Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The 4 B's

We are really trying to get Nora on a bedtime schedule. I know, she is so little but everywhere I read says starting a bedtime routine early helps them realize when it is time to SLEEP. She was sleeping so well until Monday of this week, where she decided to untrain herself! She was waking up every 2 hours to feed. Maybe she was having a growth spurt since she has slept better Sunday and Monday night. I am incorporating the 4 B's plan to help us remember her bedtime routine:
Bath, Boob, Book, Bed
Bath: She enjoys bathtime now. We sit and play and splash in the water. She still does not like to have all her hair washed, but because she has so much hair it gets greasy and practically needs to be washed daily. Other than her hair getting wet, she loves baths. We have come along way from this:
Nora's first bath at 3 days old

Boob/Bottle: She gets her last feeding at about 8:30 and hopefully she gets full so she can sleep all night long! She is a good little eater and doesn't mess around when it comes to dinner time. No need for pictures here guys :)

Book: We are trying to read to Nora nightly so she gets used to 'winding down her day'. Her days is so stressing that she needs this time to relax....ha ha! We have read "Good Night Moon" "Good Night Pookie", "Good Night Minnesota", Dr. Seuss books. I love reading and really look forward to the time where she can read along with (but I am not wishing away any time, she is already growing too fast for me!)
Product Details

Bed: Sleep Nora Sleep, so mommy and daddy can get some rest too or catch up on their blogging or cross things off their 'to-do' list, or clean or take a much needed shower or ......the list can go on and on!

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