Cat Scratch Fever.....
Nora loves to scratch ANYTHING! She loves texture, so she will scratch or pet at everything around her to feel it. When we were sleeping at the cabin up north, we would wake up at 3-4am and she would be scratching the side of the pac n play.
Mama's Fever....
Monday afternoon, I started to feel achy. I thought I was just tired from vacation and from the busy weekend. I dealt with it and went to bed early. Tuesday, I took my temp at noon at it was 102. Uh oh....what is wrong with me. I called Matt and we both agreed that we didn't want Nora to get sick so he came home to look after her so I could rest. Wednesday still 102 temp and SO NOT FEELING GOOD. Matt worked from home so I could sleep and work through this bug. I thought it was the flu bug, but come Thursday night when the fever went up to 102.5, we went to the ER. I haven't been sick, except when being pregnant, for the last 5 years so I don't have a physician I see. We went to the ER, so Matt's parents had their first sleep over with Nora! Never been to the ER....interesting place! They took about 20 viles of blood to figure out what was wrong with me and they pumped me with 2 bags of IV fluids.....I was so dehydrated. I ended up with a bladder symptoms except a fever. Wish I would've known this sooner and didn't have a WEEK of feeling sick!
Daddy being the HERO.....
Matt took care of me and Nora all week. He tried to make food for me to eat, which I couldn't! He bought sprite, gatorade, juice to make me drink, which I couldn't! He even rubbed my back, once! He took such good care of little Nora while still trying to work from home. He did a great job! Don't know what I would do without him!!!! His parent's were a huge help as well with Nora....we are lucky we have such wonderful family and friends!
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