Saturday, June 4, 2011

18 months old

Nora is 18 months old. Wow, where has the time gone? She has gotten so big and is such a big girl now. I sometimes forget that she is only 18 months because she is so much bigger than Jackson so I think she is older than she is. She still hasn't mastered or even become a novice of talking, but she does have running, hitting, climbing, playing, throwing & eating down to a science. She no longer smells like baby, but little girl! She also has this new smile--She squints her eyes and shows her pearly whites.

Height: 32.25" 70%
Weight 25 lbs 65%
Head 46cm 35%

She loves:
mommy (she used to be a daddy's girl!)
watching cartoons (she has watched more tv in the last month than in the previous 17 months!)
ice cream
technology (she loves phones, ipads, computers)
drinking from straws
playing outside

She says:
nah (no)
tank uh (thank you)
and she shakes her head VERY deliberately for YES!
She babbles up a storm--hopefully soon we will be able to understand her.

Nora and her 'nora bear' at 18 months

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