Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nora's 2

Nora is 2.  How did the time just fly by and my little baby girl is a toddler who has a personality and can talk and tell me stories?!  Nora still loves fruit and food in general.  She also has acquired a sweet tooth like her mommy-sorry Nora!  She still loves her sleep and takes a good nap!  She says 'dank u' for thank you.  She is a little artist and loves coloring and using markers.  She loves these markers at daycare that our like bingo blotters.  She still says 'mup' for up and she calls Jackson "jackie"  She likes watching veggie tales and says 'what happened' because they asked that question in one of the dvds.  She also sings Madame Blueberrys song 'I'm so Blu uuuuuuu, I don't know what to do"  She says 'yeah' instead of 'uh huh!'
Her hair is getting so long and I keep trying to grow out her bangs, little by little.  Her eyes are still brilliant blue and she has cheeks!  I think she still looks very much like her daddy but there are pictures and days where I can see a little 'me' in her!  She will say 'hand' and she wants to hold your hand.  She says a word that sounds like 'nine' and we don't know what she is saying - some of our guesses "mine", 'naughty" or she is really smart and knows german and is saying "NO"  Nora is starting to get afraid of strangers and gets bashful and shy around people she hasn't seen for a while.  She is VERY clingy to mommy and daddy. 

For Nora's 2nd birthday we went to the chaska community pool and swam, she LOVES the pool.  We put a candle in every meal she had that day so she thought it was cool to blow it out. 
Nora's 2 year Stats:
Height: 34-1/4" - 70%
Weight: 28 lbs - 75%
Head: 46cm - 20%
BMI 16.7 - 60%
Nora's curly hair

Nora smile

big girl wearing Mommy's shoes.  She loves putting things on her eyes and walking around like she can't see

Nora loves putting on my glasses
Birthday morning....some cuddling time with daddy and Jackson

Happy Birthday to me - look at my birthday candle in my waffle

birthday elmo Pajamas-Nora loves it!

A new sleeping bag.  Nora loves the new puppy sleeping bag

ready for a nap already?

at the pool-happy birthday!

Happy Birthday mac n cheese!

blowing out the birthday candle

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