Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nora 2 Months Doctor Appt

Nora and Mommy (she isn't too happy after her shots huh?)

We had Nora's 2 month check up today. She weighed 10 pounds 9.5 ounces, was 22 3/4 inches long and her head circumference was 37.1 cm. So according to the average she is:
75% for height
50% for weight
10% for head circumference
She also got her 2 month shots. I think I was more sad than she was about this. She was super excited to get the vaccine that is in liquid form and you drink it. She had it drunk before the 2nd nurse came in to 'hold her legs' for the shot vaccines. The nurses held her legs and I had to hold her arms and her face got red and she screamed like no other time for about 5 seconds and then I picked her up and she was 'all better!' That is when I started crying. I just felt bad having to see her get pricked. This is the easy time to give kids shots too, because now she will forget the shots 5 seconds after getting them; wait until she is 2 and knows that going to the doctor means shots.

Doctor said she is doing fine, she is supposed to take vitamin D supplements, hmmm..anyone else do this? I feel like if she is breastfed and I get more than enough vitamin D-isn't that enough? Why do I have to supplement drops? If anyone has advice, let me know!

She is sleeping very well, and gaining weight so we are happy. We have to go back to the doctor for her 4 month appointment.
Looney Tunes Band-Aids on her little legs :(

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