Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sleeping Contraption....

Poor Nora cannot quite figure out how to get from her tummy to her back so at night she was rolling from her back to her tummy and then was angry and would not settle down....or even TRY to roll from her tummy to back. After about 3 nights of NO SLEEP at all for Nora and Mommy (and I guess Matt even though he slept through most of it!!), I came up with this contraption to help her STAY on her back. Yes....this was an idea I cooked up at about 4 am on the 4th night of sleeplessness so I am pretty impressed with my invention!

It is just a long blanket tied from one side of the crib to the other. No worries we put it down by her legs so she can't reach it and pull it over her head! It has helped us ALL get much needed sleep.

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