Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dinner with Friends

Nora in her jeans and Fuggs (Fake Uggs)!!!
Today we met our friends Dan and Amanda Meinen in Maple Grove for dinner. They live in East Bethel and we live in Chaska so Maple Grove ends up being half way in between. I wanted to run to S.R. Harris, which is a fabric outlet. I also needed to return something to Babies R Us and JoAnn. So Nora and I set out for Maple Grove at 2:30 to beat the horrible rush hour traffic. Nora slept the whole time, she woke up at Babies R Us which was perfect as I was able to feed her in their mothers room. Today was the first day she actually wore jeans and I put actual shoes on her. Doesn't she look like a big girl?? Before when we put jeans on her they just fell off, now they actually somewhat fit and her shoes had velcro so I could tighten them up around her ankles so they didn't fall off!
We met Dan and Amanda, who will be parents to baby girl Meinen, due April 20th. Dan decided he was the person eating for 2 and got the Z Mac Daddy burger - it was huge!
Dan and the burgerAmanda and Nora

Nora and me after getting home
Matt and Nora at the burger joint we ate at

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