Friday, May 14, 2010

My Husband---the BEST husband EVER!!!!

My husband is awesome! He took a half day today, knowing that we haven't gotten to spend a ton of time together since I got a part time job at Home Depot and we work opposite hours, and I work all weekend long. He took off at noon from work and surprised me with my FAVORITE food, Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta from the Cheesecake Factory. What a great guy!!! I was even able to get an errand done since he (and Nora) took a nap so I was able to run and get some fabric for some baby stuff I am sewing for a few clients. What a great end of the week. I love him so much, only he would know that I needed some 'matt time' and my favorite food today! Here is a photo of a bunch of my favorite things.....Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta, Bread, Sunlight, Matt, Nora,

Nora and Matt were listening to some music and Nora decided to sing along to 'Empire State of Mind'....pretty cute, if you ask me!

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